ISSN 1843-8520

Instructions for Authors

Call for Papers

The editors invite submissions of original papers containing theoretical, methodological and empirical studies that address development and planning problems of urban, regional and related fields. Romanian Journal of Regional Science (RJRS) targets an audience within and beyond the academic world, pursues an interdisciplinary approach and encourages international collaboration between regional scientists.

RJRS especially values original works covering – but not being limited to – the following main topics:

  • regional economic analysis and modelling;
  • size and spatial distribution of regional economic activity;
  • regional growth and change, territorial development, environmental issues;
  • land use patterns, household analysis, real estate markets, spatial production analysis, regional labour markets, transportation analysis, etc.;
  • general equilibrium and welfare economic analysis, econometric input-output models, spatial modelling and other models; GIS, etc.
  • regional government analysis; finance in urban and rural economies;
  • regional development policy and planning, urban and local strategies and programmes, etc.

The article (6,000-10,000 words) must be original and cannot be sent to other journals at the same time. The author assumes all responsibility for the ideas expressed in the article.


The authors may find the template for our journal by clicking here. The article must be submitted to rjrs_romania@yahoo.com.

Publishing schedule 

The journal has two issues per year (Summer, published in June and Winter, published in December). The submission flow is continuous. Authors will typically receive a first decision on their manuscript within six months from submission date.

Peer review process

The submitted articles are subject to a double-blind peer review process, to ensure that high-quality standards are met and they bring about a significant contribution to the topic addressed. The Editor-in-Chief or an editor designated by the Editor-in-Chief (handling editor) first checks whether the submission matches the journal’s profile. After this check he/she decides whether to send the manuscript out for review or recommends it for immediate rejection. In the former case, if the antiplagiarism check is passed successfully (this check is performed by means of sistemantiplagiat.ro, a highly reliable software employed by many higher education institutions and research institutes in Romania), the handling editor chooses two reviewers – mainly members of the International Advisory Board – who will be invited to review the article. If the review results show major differences, a third opinion is asked from one more reviewer. In case the overall result is “accepted” with minor or major revisions, the handling editor sends a message by email to the corresponding author with a synthesis of all comments/suggestions that he/she must respond. After receiving the revised version, it is sent to the reviewers for feedback. The handling editor remains in close contact with the reviewers during the whole process for ensuring the proper completion, in accordance with the quality and ethical standards. After reaching a final result, the handling editor informs about it/discusses it with the Editor-in-Chief and makes the final decision. Then, the manuscript undergoes the final phase – English proofreading – before being published.

Author fees 

There is no publication fee/processing fee. RJRS does not pay royalties. Subscription fees or pay-per-view fees are not required.

Open access

In order to support dissemination, open online access is offered, without any charge, to all its issues and articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


Copyright and Licensing

Copyright of the articles published in the RJRS belongs to the author(s). The authors grant the publisher the right to publish the article and to be recognised as the original publisher. The ideas expressed in the article represent the views of the author(s) only, not the view of the RJRS editors or of the members of the International Advisory Board. The authors guarantee that the paper is original, has not been previously published or is under review at other journals. The articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)