ISSN 1843-8520

Volume 17, no.1, article no.4

Title: Prospects for the transfer of innovation in the rural world – the case of the innovation platform “Champs d’innovation” in Normandy Region, France

Authors & affiliations: Ion Lucian Ceapraz, Fatma Fourati, and Loïc Sauvée,Polytechnic Institute Unilasalle, Beauvais, France


This study focuses on the evaluation of the transfer of innovation by taking the example of the ‘Innovation Platform’ (IP) called “Champs d’innovation”, a project initiated by the Normandy region, France. The study focuses mainly on the modalities of innovation transfer and the complementarities between the different interfaces for the transfer of innovative solutions in the agricultural world. The first results of the study highlight the determinants of the transfer of innovative solutions.  Furthermore, from an empirical point of view, the study provides a better understanding of innovation systems in general and in agriculture in particular, and more specifically of the different facets of innovation transfer and the measurement of the transferability of innovative solutions between different stakeholders.

Keywords: Innovation Platform (IP), “Champs d’innovation”, stakeholders, innovation transfer, prescribers, contributors, farmers

JEL Classification:O31, O33, Q16, R11

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61225/rjrs.2023.04

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